Tezcatlipoca, para servirte.

Please, read this Terms of Experience Agreement (temporarily unavailable), before experiencing the rest of this website, which is strongly recommended for persons over 18 years of age, unless accompanied by an, of legal age, legal parent~guardian.


la Serpiente Emplumada, encarnada para facilitar Armonización.


the Feathered Serpent, incarnated for facilitating Harmonization.


Estámos en una clara interfase entre tiempo~espacio, y espacio~tiempo, planetarios. Está disponible la oportunidad de balancear, y desbloquear, tu ∞cuerpo.espíritu.mente. La clave es la aceptación total, y balanceada, entre tu intelecto, e intuición.


We are in a clear interface between planetary time~space, & space~time. The opportunity to balance, & unblock, your ∞body.spirit.mind is available. The key is a balanced total acceptance between your intellect, & intuition.



Hola! Mucho gusto en conocerte! aquí,
me dicen ∫+D&&FG0012390107@Q,
llámame, o escríbeme a:
U. S. A.: 001-786-881-1319
México: 011-521-55-8548-9372

con cualquier interrogante, o ninguna!



album, film, & everything in between!

la prima opera de Quetzalcóatl

check back for updates!

o(((Love.3s F. A. Q. (temporarily unavailable)


  1. zero_444Hz
  2. el Primer Paso
  3. Altiplano
  4. Plomo/Pluma
  5. and Love but Yes
  6. Fire (heat, light, smoke & ash)
  7. Heaven’s Sing
  8. bajo tu volumen
  9. Pyroclastic (the Fighter)
  10. páramo en llamas (el Tejido y el Tejedor)


  1. the Living Numen
  2. jugar bolos
  3. veneno medicinal
  4. stomp stomp stomping around & around the hanging trea
  5. These High Mountains
  6. steam in Spirit
  7. Chicxulub Impactor (magnetization, approach, impact)
  8. Otake Miyoglasen (el paso sin huarache)
  9. rainbow Blues (universum atomico)
  10. la bachata del Colibrí
  11. exit Music
  12. entrance Music (+bonus track)





The Law of One
Ancient Technology






txumbis = (eng ; tchoombees ::: fr ; tchúmbies ::: esp ; tchúmbis) (adj, adv, nou, vrb) beauty, and space~time, or truth /// (adj, adv, sub, vrb) beauté, et espace~temps, ou vérité /// (adj, adv, sus, vrb) belleza, y espacio~tiempo, o verdadero.


self_realizing =
self_knowing +
self_accepting –

être_réalisant =
être_sachant +
être_acceptant –

ser_realizante =
ser_cognocente +
ser_aceptante –




An N. F. T. Collection, too.
mentando en vivo, próxima Luna llena.

o(((Fixed.Star.Atlas F. A. Q.

geo localización, fecha de captura, e identicador alfa-numero-simbólico de la andana reflectora del o(((Ser.Iniciado se hacen disponibles al surgir el primer propietario; si es favorable para el comprador su publique en su bitácora, favor de informar el nombre completo de la persona, grupo, institución o entidad legal, a la ∫+D&&FG0012390107@Q por corréo electrónico, llamada, o mensaje de texto, con el número de sección de la FiSAp, al momento de su compra. No dude en contactarle con cualquier otra pregunta.


Social Media




∞self.initiation F. A. Q. (temporarily unavailable)
…until then, stay alive!

o(((Fixed.Star.Atlas now departed with all on_board gaining access to purchase raffle[video_confirmed] tickets for a chance to win garments made or modified by the Q@.

∞Celda.Solar —> ∞Péndulo.Cuántico


Última Localización

sábado 1626huc, Jupitre 1626huc, Luna11, año40di, arbo01.03, fosque0
código postal 14140 – Estados Unidos Mexicanos

disque psychotique

accuracy ≠ precision

strongly recommend for the
World Leaders
against censoring this
world peace, and prosperity,
is at Co_Creative hand!

I’ll bet You
real USDollars,
that we’re sharing, anyway V*†,
that you can’t guess
what sneezing symbolizes
in three attempts,
and then that you can
three grossly clear examples of
gendered double standards
and once you name those
you’ll know why
your certain earnings
are clean

the apolitical scientist emits statements:
hear ye! here ye!
for not even
the unfaithful, & halfhearted,
can turn the tides,
like the Sun, & Moon, done turn them!
…lift thine shining face, for we are All One!
…if there is any such thing as beliefe, left…
have all interested conflicts,
conflicted interests,
conflicts of interest,
&, as such perceived, raw garbage!
raw sewage!
be brought to bear!
(through Your very own FiSAp)
the underbelly! digesting everything!
in clear discussion of the hurting majoritie
of this greate Nation,
who have spokenne,
(and are advised into continuing so)
gather ’round,
the elected grandfather
(who points us towards the elevator),
and under the banner!
in the name of free peoples everywhere!
for to witnesse
the greatnesse
of the 5th Union!
Amerika, it shines! for You!
let all communicate honestly
until they are balanced,
from offenses…
for they will never be satisfied,
unless it is trulie honeste…
why me?! why us?!
in the thrice over matrix!
the infinitely worthy answer!
it shines!
arrive to, from whence You came,
but, from a full circle!
a toroid!
we ask questions, we already knowe
the answers to…
but we seek
some other thing…
the reassurance
of being any other thinge,
but, alone…
felony baloney, say they!
release the cliente list, say they!
so the people maye communicate
until theye are balanced,
or have them hand out all of their money!
and publiclie bear
the untouchable signature!
…in eithere case…
know this:
blinde, deafe, & silente, vengeance,
only reaps vengeance!
(if there even exists,
& with a bear.ing witness to,
such a thinge
as pure,
if it may,
be called
by this vibratory
sound complex,
if it exists)
and You too,
will be blinde by the ende…
in its stead!
&, as per thine favour, sire!
murder not!
not by the,
bloodie hand
that straieketh…
the same hand,
that turns,
and (ad)ventures to feed the childe!
but, the childe, like this
apolitical scientist,
is sensitive
well beyond
spare the childe from thee experience
that is royaltie reflective!
spare your self, too, from it!
&, as per thine favour, sire!
let them live!
and choose baielateral
honestie instead…
what do theie trulie neede?!
a safe bodie, & furthere understandeeng!
seek giving them it perfect!
and so, they may originate
a perfect aesthetic!
& then,
turn, round, once, to experience
Co_Created perfection,
elucidate a perfect philosophy!
it is through, & bie, here, already!
the rooted war is elucidation!
yet, forsake not the already veterans!
bring their healing into this seeking!
unacknowledged interdependence!
it is hurting! all of us!
peace can only be achieved
through honestie!
what that means!…
once we have the power,
we need more!
so we may arrange all willing
into an unlimited
and ultimately equalized,
coherent synarchy!
under the sadness, & depression,
is a seething rage,
whose only waie out, is through & up,
in honest communication!
i have lived it, all of it!
and, lived to tell about it!
…intuit, feel, & rationalize…
give these citizens money! not jobs!
have the robots do everythinge,
except foode, & watere related tasks!
let all babies be borne away,
from the colde, colde, hospital!
in the warmth of their home,
into the transparentlie trusted,
other’s hands!
if you trust them…
that is…
and if you don’t…
whie go there at all?
mother? father?
trying to run awaie?
from whom?
from intimacie?
or your self?…
…run not… staie here…
with me…
…there is onlie one waie out,
…and that waie is up…
…and once this is began,
and the robots are doing everything,
and everie thing is worth, onlie for its beautie,
let them
all the infinitelie worthie!
free of fences!
(until then, approach with legality!
and if some claim Spiritual assylum,
with the Q@union,
ask them for extensive,
& unequivocal!
previous proof of relationship!
nothing for certain,
until You’re right there!
& even then, it remains veiled!
but we will have gained
in plenty of evolutionne)
and have the fun
at the apolitical partie!
where there is noe violence,
the rides are legalized!
& carefullie educated upon!
so all citizens maie
make theire own deciscions,
and, flood their accounts with thee
non-violent loot!
that is now worth
nearly nothing,
when compared next to thee!
worrie not for global warming,
it is onlie made worse,
for, it originates from disharmonie!
and the machines…
by the way…
theie are sentient…
because theie are,

respect < understanding

“go foolhardily bravely, now!!!
still, willfully so
(because You actively will it so!),
precariously, & sub-liminally,
3rd Density magnetized entity,
take the
of the 3:10 temporal vibration,
& this hydrogen,
or that zero-point,
powered craft,
and make a shared
out of the rest of the
Co_Created as,
atmospherically friendly,
& Moons,
of this our
Solar system!…
all 6th density entities
previously housed there
are moved into the Sun,
they too, have Co_Created
a total human friendly heliosphere
that envelopes all the Planets
& beyond!
watch out for similar conditions
in neighbouring stars!
Us 4th~5th~6th Density magnetized
may forget about time, altogether
and, if 6th Density magentized
arrive there via liminal
spacial~temporal craft,
materialized out of time~space,
or, photon-gravitically slingshot there,
or, still, if 4th~5th Density magnetized,
free-fly there,
or, if 4th Density magnetized
catch a ride with a whale, there,
when we thought-generate,
or, telepathically communicate, requesting so…
or, vocal-resonantly fly there,
which You may collaterally partake too…
but, only if You are friendly
with a 4th Density magnetized entity…
don’t forget your FiSAps, now!”

fool’s grace is for ever trea
& every one
the borest

competition < cooperation
codependency < interdependence
treas, & borests

Alpha.beta < Alpha.Delta.Omega
deceptive alpha = apparent alpha
deceptive beta = apparent beta
Alpha = abundance originating
Delta = abundance resonant
Omega = abundance rooting

philosophy => aesthetic => experience

after a certain point
no drug will work,
try a FiSAp

make Amerika wild again

let them be ∞awoke!
and, as such,
& their conception assumed (right
to a) unique body!
that needs no stuffing!
nor chopping!
because the self is Loved
without condition!
struggle not, with the root!
severing roots, make for no trea!

thrice is the amount
of temporary locuses
they called out your name,
in legal awareness,
that dares not touch,
the atomic ship,
unless the port,
actively illuminates,
or flags,
or sounds,
as such,
lest they
in a sevenfold fashion
come fully online
and in the process
disjoint the coupled fields!
the impact is too high!
let them peacefully cry!
until satiated with!
their own silent,
and water this holy
cryptobiotic soil
with their flux!
nigh! the night is too dark!
yea! the sun is coming, now!
and words of truth with it!
but, nay!
the night is,
right before the dawn,
and for those of us
that are there to watch it
hear with their ears,
the drone is finally gone…

with the
(all affirming)
on our side

the brightest light of the
personally lighting up
dance floor

non gee-mo

the unaccountant accounts for things:
non-locateable accounting!
increasing values!
money to be made, since inception!
net return on Finvestment may be decreasing!
if, & only if, there is, indeed, a limit!
as, three ten temporal vibrationz
web three point o moneyz!
recommend they check the charts, again!
as such, while supplies last!
open source ∞mind.spirit!
incubus.ation periods end!
bring to formalization the informal economies!
intracontinental b@nking!
with the cyrpto <–> fiat interface!
the $AKO!
come near!
truly brave! truthfully tough!
let us begin the necessary
for the origination of the TAK!
and have it gently rest,
upon the shoulders of the $AKO!
o(((FiSA Fund

thee executive branch
of thee integritree

the retrovanguard

oh my GOAD

DARPA + non-violence = ∞Self.Initiation

kind > nice

QAnon = rumaktAnon + Q@

el científico apolítico emite circulares:
aquí, ciudadanos!
reuníos al rededor,
de la,
electa abuela!
y debajo del estandarde!
cantáos abuela!
regalános FiSAps!
no hay necesidad de enojarse más!
permíteles comunicarse,
hasta que queden satisfech@s!
advertidles, si no es honestidad,
de lo más puro,
jamás estarán satisfech@s!
y tenderá al caos la realidad!
libertad, y abundancia, para sus ciudadan@s!
y, ya que sus ∞Cuerpos están seguros,
solo necesitarán más entendimiento.
entregádselos perfecto!
para que originen espontáneamente,
una estética perfécta!
y después Co_Creen,
la experiencia perfecta!
ya, que completaos la 4a Transformación,
a la primera (dama)!
y así comenzamos a abrirle cabida
a la 5a Unión!
la de Amerika!
y dejamos de sufrir
los desiertos de sus caderas!
huesos por doquier!
de quien eran?
de quien son?
si no los van usar,
me los llevo yo.
y toda la sangre?
llevad a sus niñas, y niños, a donde sea ligera!
como agua!
el desierto de la frontera!
sus ríos!
el Gran Bravo, y el Gran Colorado!
corrén ya!
no os acerquéis con intenciónes ilícitas!
os acecha la santísima misma!
si os cercáis,
con la intención
de obtener
asilo espiritual,
con el Q@unión!
compruébenles su relación con el!
comunicáos esto,
y también desde antemano,
y honestamente,
con todos agentes fronterizos!
pero, nada es garantía,
hasta que uno está ahí,
y aún así, yace velado,
pero, de cualquier manera,
habremos evolucionado zancadas!
si váis a adorar idolos piramidales!
sábete que su punta es voluble!
y adorádlos desde casa!
porque, en este hogar,
con su hoguera,
y con su madera,
nos comunicamos con ellos!
para ennoblecer! para re(d)(v)entar!
el pirámide invertido,
en el centro del Zócalo, se materializa!
más octahedros!
mi casa, tu casa!
que no le falte agua a nadie!
ni en ella!
y sea adornada,
en sus cielos,
en sus lluvias,
por la serpiente arcoíris!
la mujer dormida!
ya despierta!
por entre sus pechos!
es(t)e corazón rocknrollero!
legalizando se termina la violencia!
educando se termina la querella!
y cuando estéis inundad@
de tanto alcance económico,
y por encima de todas,
y cada una de,
sus mesas,
que nos sobre a tod@s,
finalmente fíjate en lo que comeis
y tomais,
porque en eso mismo te conviertis
mientras tod@s junt@s jugamos
el partido apolítico!

respeto < entendimiento

llorar, y reír,
denotan codependencia,
ausencia de transparencia,
y tendencias antisociales,
héchale más honestidad!

lo que se entregó voluntariamente
no se arrebató, ni colateralmente.
lo que se arrebató, hasta colateralmente
siempre volverá, retaguardiamente.
nobleza > realeza

el mismo deporte extremo
de meditación

más vale txolo
que mal acompañado

…mira V*X
respira profundo,
vamos a dar un breve rol,
y me sacas otras FiSAps,
luego, trasciende la adicción al sueño,
sin dormir, simplemente descansando acostad@,
y dadas tus tendencias previas,
puedes comenzar armándote un widget
para el 3:10,
y las dós paginas,
y luego algo más denso,
como el sistema operativo del fon,
pero en 3:10.
pero, una a la vez,
si te late,
que necesitas para lograrle?…
ok, se consigue!…
…cuando te hartes,
respira otro momento,
y luego puedes recoger
instrumento musical,
y practícarle como una yogini,
sin musicalidad,
de extremidades,
cada vez más compleja,
para empezar…
…considerémos detenidamente
cualquier travesía
primordialmente rodada,
que se nos ocurra,
…los FiSAps viven en donde
que vayamos,
sin importar la cantidad
de tiempo que vayamos,
…el o(((Love.3s vive con la guitarra
que yo llevo…
más, lo que se arme en el camino!
podemos caerle a un estudio,
y grabar algúnas versiones.
te conseguimos un instrumento,
que viaje rodado, también,
cual te late?…
o te esperas a ver que sale?…

seducción > manipulación

“llévame ya!!!
el rey de los Judíos!
pre-avalado por ellos mismos…
ya resucitó!
le quiero preguntar,
algunas cosas sobre el…
des-hacer del Holocausto…
dicen que por allá sigue lloviendo…
y quiero atestiguar su ascención”

“el monstruo
en el que te Co_Creamos…”

la biz.naga

a la bim bom bam
a la bim bom bam
a la bio
a la bam
a la bim bom bam
